They Came As Oracles & Are
The Ancient Knowledge Keepers
Of Our World
The 'Crystal Skull Beings' became part of the consciousness of this planet during the second civilization of Atlantis. Their core crystalline density came from the crystal beings of Sirius and several other very specific dimensions and realities.
Note: Atlantis was 44,000 years in duration and comprised of three different civilizations that began and ended during that time frame.
Of those stones that became what was referenced as the ancient 13 or original skulls, each are crystalline. Crystal was the conduit best suited to contain and retain the purity of the core information imprinted within each stone. Use of other mineral and stone carvings came later.
The deepest center of each of these expanded crystals are compiled entirely of Bio Scalar energy. Beyond the core radius a secondary sphere of energy was formatted to absorb and retain the experiences and history of our then civilization(s).
These crystalline beings are an intricate composite of consciousness and unique unto themselves. They contain unlimited levels of ancient information and in the outer layers are woven distinctive wave patterns that can 'speak' to individuals of their own unique beingness, history and talents. These outer pathways are completely different in all ways than the inner core of bio scalar energy.
In actuality there are 14 original skulls that were implanted in the earth as holding radiations of source. The latter will never be discovered for it is the 'Key' agent for the entire crystal skull schematic. Since their beginning, these radiations have projected complex confirmations via what many refer to as the 'dragon' ley lines that encapsulate our planet.
January opened a pathway of access and activation to some highly distinctive and unique wave patterns that provide expansion on a more personal basis with these crystal beings. We expressed these as 'keys' which unlocked information for those attending our gatherings. At the same time, as these crystalline vaults were unlocked the reference points and pathways were 'keyed' into the 'crystal skull rainbow grinds' that radiate throughout our planet.
The Crystal Skull Beings have been and are a critical aspect of our reality and our ability to evolve into the 4th & 5th dimensional radiations that we are presently dancing with.
Their core energy radiations are of a bio scalar nature. This energy was first documented by Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein. These composites of subtle energy function entirely outside of lineal time. One might describe these unique patterns as functioning some what like a standing wave (not frequencies) that can imprint, alter, lift and transmute beyond the range of traditional energy ratios.
Bio Scalar waves have always been present and are so much more than what we understand. This form of energy has existed within encoded vaults of everyone's individual DNA. For most, this range of energy has been unusable via the 3rd dimensional carbon body. As humanity's vibrational patterns expanded again into their more crystalline nature so then have these codes begun to unlock one's deeper nature at all levels.
For many, this has unknowingly come about through meditation or altered thought directives. We are aware that these patterns function in the 5th dimension beyond time and space as we know it. That our 'minds' & DNA contain these codes and that they can be perceived and translated. That these waves, when actively within there magnetism, can function faster than light speed.
It is also the belief of science that these waves transmit information only. AND... information is energy... everything is! It is merely a different format of it! It is also believed that these bio scalar waves can be encoded with frequencies. AND if these waves are beyond frequencies, then their original imprints contain the encoding to sustain their true nature. That was the purpose of the codes. To be accessed when appropriate but not altered! It is also possible for one's own bio scalar energy to be utilized via thoughts, beliefs and conscious direction. There are those that can awaken to and merge with some forms of of this energy that exists outside their personal biology.
Your attraction to the crystal skull beings is a personal and individual 'linking' in with this higher vibrational pattern of consciousness.
Each lifetime you define a specific portion of your larger being that is to be & become the present you. This you (here & now) is defined by your desires, DNA selection, birth date/time, family, race, country, etc. Because each of us are focused upon our present experience, it is easy to assume this present consciousness is who and what we really are. It is most certainly important for we are in a time of creation that has never existed quite like this! Even having made that last statement, the 'more of us' with higher being and soul is always in the mainstream of source energy.
This same type of core energy that is within, is the crystalline aspect of source. As you, at that level, contain your own imprint of perfection, worthiness, esteem & love. The crystal skull beings contain a core that assists you to tap into your resonance, power, gifts & consciousness.
It is through a magickal alignment of light, color, sound and ancient wave particles that you and the crystal skull beings can awaken you to so much more of you, all that you are, can and will be and the miraculous capacity you have as a co-creator with Source.
✶Connecting with the Crystal Skull Rainbow Grid, creating one's unique 6-point crystal star portal.
✶Expansion of the star portal, release of self imposed boundaries, stretching beyond time and space.
✶Aligning with the Crystal Skulls to gather personal gifts, talents & seemingly lost wisdom.
✶Receiving the keys & unlocking the source imprints encoded in your personal DNA.
✶Receiving & integrating the energetic waves of renewal, self healing, compassion & love that radiate the foundations of harmony, balance & dominion with the planet & its inhabitants.
✶Thinking & working with more energy waves outside 'the box'!
✶Accessing the crystal skull bio scalar energy & yours.
✶Integration, merging the new waves becoming aware of & learning to read one's personal codes.
✶Recalling, bringing forth & dancing upon your personal color spectrum. The 'Ray' of your consciousness.
✶Reaching deeper into the crystal wave patterns, awakening your ancient wisdom.
It is not necessary to have physically attended these gatherings. If your radiance is aligned to the crystal skull beings from Sirius & beyond... If you are a guardian & or called forth to explore these unique crystal structures... If you are drawn to attend a full workshop, then you will absorb what you need of what has been brought forth already. Trust your inner guidance & remember...
The Message of The Crystal Skulls
"We will meet again in another time" & so once again we gather in this ancient light of wisdom, love & beauty....